Golf Elementary School District 67 entered into an innovative joint initiative with Niles Township High School District 219 to ensure that all students from kindergarten through 12th grade benefit from a guaranteed and viable common curriculum and assessment program that properly prepares them for high school and college.
Joining the Collaborative for Curriculum (CFC) initiative was a step in implementing District 67's Strategic Plan adopted by the Board of Education. District 67 joined the initiative during the 2015-16 school year.
A 10-year intergovernmental agreement has been approved by the Board. The goals of the initiative are to:
Establish a guaranteed and viable curriculum and assessment program through an aligned K-12 scope and sequence in STEM and literacy.
Use data to monitor individual student growth and achievement to identify need for academic interventions and enrichments as early as possible.
Redirect resources to classroom instruction and services that support students to be ready for high school and college.
Develop parent-school partnerships by inviting, supporting and encouraging parents to become active participants in their children's education.
Expand teachers' instructional capacity by providing all school employees with the skills to help students succeed.
Click here for more information from District 219.