
Food Services

School District 67, in conjunction with OrganicLife, offers a daily lunch in each of its schools,

School District 67 strives to provide as much variety as possible in its menus while remaining within the constraints of the National School Lunch Program regulations.

Lunch Fees
Students can purchase hot lunches, which include milk ($4.25/lunch), or bring a bag lunch and purchase milk for $0.45.

Each student has a personal lunch account. Because this is a debit account, a positive balance must be maintained at all times. The cost of each lunch purchased will be debited from this personal account.

Parents may monitor their child's account online in Infinite Campus. Each child's account will show balances, food purchases and allow you to make payments.

Deposits into a student's lunch account may be done two ways:

Credit Card

  • Log into your Infinite Campus Parent
  • Select More in the menu on the left and then Online Payments
  • You will now be taken to the Golf SD 67 Web Store.
  • Select "Food" and enter the amount to be charged.
  • Deposits made by credit card will be posted to your child's account the next day.
  • There are no fees to use your credit card.

Cash or Check

  • Make checks payable to Golf School District 67.
  • Place the cash or check in an envelope with the student's name, grade, and instructions as to how to divide the deposit among other students (siblings), if applicable.
  • Deposits made by cash or check will be deposited once a week.

Free and Reduced Price Meals
Free and reduced price meals are available to students unable to pay the full meal price according to criteria based on household size and income. Household is defined as all those persons living under the same roof and functioning as one economic unit. All District 67 families who think they might be eligible are encouraged to apply.

Free and reduced price meal benefits are only valid for the school year listed on the top of the application; all families must complete a new application each school year.

National School Lunch Program Requirements
In order to qualify as a meal under the National School Lunch Program, a lunch must contain one (1) entrée and at least two (2) side dishes, one of which may or may not be a milk.

If your child does not take the required servings at each meal, they will not qualify for a Free or Reduced Price meal, and will be charged the full price.